Friday 21 June 2013

Behind the lens: A look at Yulin Dog-meat Festival 鏡頭背後的玉林人

On the day of Summer Solstice, locals of Yulin, Guangxi province of China, celebrate the annual Dog-meat Festival with dog meat hotpot, lychees and strong liquor like it is another Lunar New Year and those who work in other provinces would definitely make themselves at home for this day. In recent years, this unique festival came under the spotlight of global media, not because of the merry atmosphere, but of the uncivilized tradition of eating dog meat. Who is to decide whether it is civilized of not? Locals' words may provide us new insights into how this cherished tradition among Yulin locals could also be looked at.

Because Everyone Else is Eating it too
There are several sayings as to the origin of this festival. I have asked 5 locals but none of them had an answer in mind. "I eat dog meat since I was little," said Mr Li, who is a truck driver in his 40s. After all, it is an old tradition that has passed down for generations. Who still care about the story behind? It seems rather like that people are busy holding celebrations, working for a living, and there is not a spare minute for this question. As to the sources of the dogs and the slaughter method, they could't care less about it. "It really doesn't matter" is the their attitude towards eating dog meat. One of the interviewees, who is the owner of an electric appliances store and does not want his name revealed, thought that being not a cannibal is already a great thing. While media are unanimous in the censure of the slaughter method like hitting their heads with hammers or wooden clubs, the hygiene concern with the source of the dogs as strays, and the cruelty of savouring their own pet dogs, the interviewees are simply not interested in these discussions. 

"Dog-mate" Festival: Does tradition ever change?
So, how do the locals think about this festival? The owner of the electric appliances store calls it "Dog-mate Festival" for the Chinese idiom "hú péng gǒu yǒu", meaning foxes and dogs are friends literally, and usually refers to one's friends being a pack of rogues. On that day, he himself has prepared lychees and pounds of dog meat for dinner at their store with family and staff. He admitted that, this year, the street was less bustling than before, but he whispered the liveliness of the back alleys into my ears. Indeed, two years ago, a similar dog meat festival in Zhejiang province was called off over pressure from both media and social media. None of the interviewees has heard of this before, nor has any following-up questions. When asked about cancelling Dog meat festival, the responses are unanimous: "no way" ; and only one of them wish this tradition could be abolished. Miss Chung, graduated from university two years ago and now works in car industry, occasionally helps in the dog meat noodle stall ran by her family though she doesn't eat dog meat herself. As to whether it should be banned, she revealed that "this tradition is rather meaningless. All cultures change through time and we are now living in a civilized society." I am not sure whether we are living in a civilized society, but it is an undeniable fact that our culture is led by the voice of media.

"I know nothing but eating"
Dog meat is a typical dish in Yulin food culture, which means locals do not eat it only on the day of Summer Solstice. With journalists from the world coming to Yulin on that day to report the story, as well as activists staging protests at markets, it makes me wonder how do these condemnation work on the locals. "I am an ordinary person. I know nothing but eating." is the opinion of Mr Li, one of the interviewees, on the media coverage and protests against Dog meat festival. He also added that banning the festival or not is not up to ordinary people like him. Another interviewee who works as a taxi driver have doubts about the effectiveness of the only one-day protest in a year and that she reproached the accusations with the fairness of the protests. "Why isn't there any protests against eating other animals like pig, chicken and cow?" However, though Miss Chung agreed that it is personal freedom to eat dog meat, she believed that progress takes time to change the deep-rooted tradition. In fact, when you click on the page for Yulin on Red Bean Community Forum on that day, you can find posts tracking the protests and journalists with countless comments. But it is worth noticing that netizens are generally criticizing the two parties, some saying that they, too, savoured dog meat after work had finished. As for the dog meat vendors, business seems as usual.

Speak up, that's where it makes a difference
Celebrations go on but subtle differences could be observed. Posts on Red Bean Community Forum report that vendors deliberately hide the character "dog" on signboards. "Officials know there is no way they can ban the festival because locals will eat it anyway, so they just give verbal reminders to ask vendors keep a low profile," the interviewed taxi driver, who is in her 30s, claimed. Some vendors also put the dogs elsewhere to avoid attracting cameras. I still remembered an interesting comment made by a local, "We are communists. If the Party asks us to stop eating it, we will definitely do so." Alongside with the celebrations are protests staged by animal right activists. Online video clips show that the protests are in small-scale, between 20 to 30 people, and peaceful, only that some save-the-animals posters hanged outside Dongkou wet market are torn away. In spite of the cruel and uncivilized image, people in Yulin do have another side. Miss Chung expressed her willingness to join the protests if it is better organized. Public opinion could never reach a consensus. Though it seems to be the government's decision as to cancel the festival or not, one is never to underestimate the power of the people.

Appendix: Zhou Libo and the Chinese dream
"Do you have freedom?" The answer from the interviewees are quite ambiguous, "We have freedom if we obey the law." It is like the freedom one have when living in the cage, you are free as long as you don't have thoughts of breaking the cage or telling others that they can be out of the cage. It is no wonder that they were unprepared for the next question, "What do you think of Xi Jinping's Chinese Dream?". After thinking for a while, they gave answers like "it doesn't really concern me". Then, what is their own Chinese dream, as a Chinese? The owner of the electric appliance store wants a better and comfortable life. His dream is kind of vague but he made a good point in saying "Xi's words are bullshit. Stand-up comedian Zhou Libo is the one who, literally, help us to achieve our dreams! Watch Chinese Dream Show!" He was so excited when he talked about that show and, at one point, I was moved by this great reality show that keeps the ordinary from losing faith.


一. 你食我食,大家都食

二. 「狗友節」:約定俗成改不了?
中外傳媒所關心的玉林人不以為然那他們又怎看這個在報紙及網絡上備受爭議的節日呢電器店東主直言這節日是 「狗友節」豬朋狗友聚在一起的日子他亦準備了荔枝和幾斤狗肉與員工及家人在店裏晚飯慶祝他亦指今年街道雖然熱鬧不再但節日氣氛其實猶在只是由大街上轉移到各人家裏兩年前浙江省金華市政府在傳媒及網上輿論的壓力下取消了當地的「湖頭狗肉節」受訪者表示對這事不知悉也沒人追問詳情及對取消玉林狗肉節的意見受訪者的回答一致是「沒有可能」只有一名受訪者表示希望取消今年二十多歲家裏開狗肉米粉熟食檔的鍾小姐大學畢業後從事汽車行業兩年不吃狗肉的她認為這節日沒什麼意義文化要隨時代變畢竟現在是文明社會人類社會是否文明我不知道但文化確實由大眾口味領導而在這世代大眾口味無疑由網絡輿論及傳媒領導

三. 「我只懂食不懂怎麼評價」

四. 市政府的低調干涉與真實民情


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